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Sky Clesi Gay Porn Videos

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  • Age: 22
  • Height: 5.8 (173cm)
  • Weight: 135
  • Shoe: 8 US (41 EU)
  • Cock: 7.5 (19cm) Cut
  • Performer Rating: 4.65/5

In his own words:

"I am an unpredictable person who wants to have fun in life. I feel that I am a very kind person and I like to see the best in others. "

Our comments:

"The first thing about Sky that you can't help but notice are those beautiful blue eyes. Sky is a shy guy at first, but after you get to know him is a very fun person to talk with. What is not to like about this sexy country boy. "

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  • Gr57wf425tr on 11/12/2022

    It's the eyes that gets my attention. He has the bluest eyes I ever seen. Not to mention his body that is tight! Most definitely a keeper.

    • MichaelIsaac13 on 10/14/2021

      I love beautiful boys with pretty faces. I adore Sky. Any older or younger brothers? Incest between them will be incredible.

      • Hank38 on 03/27/2021

        Definitely my type. Being 6’4” has it’s drawbacks as I’m sure 5’8”does too but being that cute packed into a great package, uh-hi! I guess I’ll have to be satisfied with what there is. I hope you paid him well.

        • dnutz355 on 10/12/2020

          He grew a lot and it would be nice to have him back

          • Ahills26 on 06/17/2020

            I watched from the first to the last - how amazing to see Sky grow as a performer -

            • PurpleSamFW on 05/09/2020

              Is he coming back? I hope so.

              • Bartirah on 03/11/2020

                Is he coming back? Please, bring him back!

                • TopJock on 01/13/2020

                  I like dicks that bend upwards!

                  • br6205 on 06/20/2019

                    Always think versatile players are the best as Sky proves.

                    • Blakefan on 06/20/2019

                      Sky, you are a really hot guy. I've seen all your scenes and can't get enough of you. Hope that you will be a BSB for a long time to come.
