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Andy Was Happy To Breed James Hairy Hole

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Two Hot Guys, One Sexy Interview, Who Will Walk Away With the Biggest Paycheck?

In a studio lit room adorned with beach themed items, Andy and James lay naked together across from the interviewer. The interviewer, a seasoned professional with a discerning eye, engages the duo in a thorough discussion about their performance. Andy cleans some cum that got in his eye, while James is seen blushing and smiling. The two boys face a barrage of questions, their answers swift and decisive. As the interview draws to a close, a sense of relief washes over Andy and James. The director nods approvingly, acknowledging their efforts and providing feedback on their performance. With a smile, the news is delivered, Andy and James would each be compensated with a generous sum of $1,500. The weight of uncertainty is lifted, replaced by the satisfaction of a job well done.

With newfound financial freedom in their hands, James revealed his plans to invest in his passion for music. His eyes lit up as he spoke about acquiring new band equipment, a dream that seemed within reach thanks to the earnings from the interview. The promise of creating beautiful melodies and captivating performances fueled his excitement. On the other side of the room, Andy had visions of serene lakes and the thrill of the catch. He shared his intention to spend his hard-earned cash on fishing equipment, eager to pursue his love for the outdoors. The prospect of casting a line into the tranquil waters and feeling the tug of a fish resonated with his adventurous spirit.

As the interview concludes, the trio leaves the room, heading towards the promise of a well deserved cleanup and awaited compensation. The scene transitions, leaving with the image of Andy and James departing, their futures shaped by the outcomes of a sex scene. The anticipation of new beginnings and the pursuit of passions linger in the air, marking the end of this chapter within their respective journeys.

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